The metropolis of Clermont is located at the heart of Auvergne, surrounded with volcanoes. A young and dynamic city, Clermont-Ferrand offers a pleasant living environment to its citizens. The attractiveness of Auvergne can be felt on several levels.



Many events take place in Clermont-Ferrand such as the International Short Film Festival, the Europavox festival which brings together artists from all horizons, Les Carnets de Voyages: a gathering of travelers, etc… Cultural facilities are also available to the population: theater, museums, concert halls, concert halls…


Clermont-Ferrand has several sports facilities (soccer fields, rugby fields, athletics track, skating rink…). Mainly known to be a rugby ground with the ASM, many other disciplines are also represented such as Football with the Clermont Foot team or Hockey with the Arvernes Wild Boars.

Clermont : ville sportive et dynamique
Chaîne des puys

Nature & entertainments

Clermont-Ferrand is a few kilometers away from the volcanoes and nature. The Chaîne des Puys and its highest point, the Puy-De-Dôme, are only a few minutes away from the city center. Clermont-Ferrand and its surroundings offer all kinds of activities: hiking, swimming, downhill skiing, canoeing, paragliding… Everyone can find their pleasure here!


The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is the 2nd economic region and the 1st industrial region in France. Clermont-Ferrand is the headquarters of several large companies such as Michelin and Limagrain. Clermont-Ferrand has also seen the birth of start-ups that have today become international companies.
