Effidence will be at Tech&Fest: the 1st tech & innovation regional festival

You’ll be able to meet Effidence and its AMR EffiBOT at the first edition of the TECH&FEST festival on 1 and 2 February in Grenoble to celebrate the best in innovation!

The rules of the game are changing: the AI revolution, decarbonisation of businesses, recruitment issues, innovation funding, technology transfer, etc.

10,000 decision-makers are gearing up for a unique experience in France: masterclasses, workshops, immersive exhibitions and festive evenings (including an exceptional DJ set by Feder!)…

Tech&Fest is shaping up to be THE 1st regional tech & innovation festival.

Join us on 1 and 2 February to get the year off to a flying start!

Effidence Reduction Code : INSIDETECH