Effidence, sponsor of the Léa team at the Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles du Maroc

The Rallye

It is a 100% women’s rally-raid, with 160 crews each year, which takes place in the southern African desert. The innovative concept of this rally lies in its traditional navigation method. No GPS, only maps and compasses.

This event, which receives a great deal of media coverage, highlights the actions carried out by the “Coeur des Gazelles” association, which supports Moroccan populations in terms of environmental responsibility, schooling, professionalization and medical care.

Dates : From 18 March to 2 April 2022
Start in 10 days ! 

Why choosing this event ?

Through this rallye, Effidence is inking its CSR values with :

The societal pillar: this project supports essential altruistic causes; the importance of women’s action, the commitment to the FME (Moroccan Foundation for Students in Morocco) in terms of visibility and financial participation (30% of the collected sums paid back).

The event also supports the pursuit of higher education through the allocation of scholarships (Tuks women’s rugby team from the University of Pretoria – South Africa).

The environmental pillar: The Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles du Maroc is the only one in the world to be ISO 14001 certified since 2010.

It advocates respect for the environment before the competition: the winning team is the one that drives the fewest kilometres; all CO2 emissions are offset; a Social and Environmental Responsibility charter is in place.

Finally, the concept of traditional navigation and this spirit of resourcefulness characterises the motto of the Effidence team: always evolve by challenging yourself !

Why does Effidence sponsor the Lea Team?

The Sandra / Laetitia duo, which makes up the Lea Team, is inspiring and we wanted to support them in this project which promotes boldness and female resources!