An XL version of EffiBOT, powerful, robust and usable with multiple equipments for your logistics applications.

(*in development)


EffiBOT-XL is a bi-directional, hybrid robot capable of :

  • Lift and transport your loads, (Lift-XL)
  • Lift and transport your pallets, (Lift-P XL)
  • Convey your loads, (Convey-LINK XL)

Like EffiBOT, this robot can be used in follow-me, autonomous and manual mode.

Useful dimensions and capacities of the AMR

  • Load and lift capacity: 1,5 T
  • Length: 1350 mm
  • Width: 910 mm
  • Height: 320 mm

Embedded equipments

Logo Patented

Our EffiBOT-XL is equipped with a very robust and efficient navigation system

  • A set of sensors analyzes the environment 360 degrees,
  • The location is based mainly on the natural environment and can also be artificially reinforced in open areas,
  • The navigation system allows a speed of up to 7 km/h (2 m/s).

Our EffiBOT-XL is versatile

  • It carries up to 1,5 T,
  • It is fully autonomous by recovering its destinations via the ERP

Our EffiBOT-XL complies with the Machine Directive 2006/42/EC.

Co-funded by the European Union. Jéremie financing 2 with the European regional development fund.